Media and free informations for all
How to succeed saving the world? Perception tells us, we need to walk a new path! Problems made by humans are present everywhere and every single person could recognize them. A normal, conservative thinking could not solve the problems, it just calms our conscience. How do we succeed in telling as much people as possible to percieve leaving the box as a normal habbit? How to level the perception of a society to another level? Time is running out! A fast, fundamental change is only possible within humans, who are not already stuck in habits and dogma.Therefor the chance is within the next generations and that must not be an excuse. But again, how do we lead perception, creating a new understanding about humans and their vicinity? We hope through free and availible lecturing media for children, teachers and interested people. Informations for schools, journalists and politics. That is the way to lay the foundation for a sustainable future within the next decade, here on our blue planet. Please suport this project for us all.
projects in realisation
Youtube Channel
Our Youtube Channel is designed to get attention and to spread fundamental informations. Every human beeing should have the chance to understand himself and his surrounding. That's how the impulse of taking our destiny in our own hand arises. Just a neutral foundation of thoughts shows the truth. The sum of all enlightened humans makes a change possible.
Mensch 2.0
In the year 2012 the project Mensch 2.0 started in Germany. It also had the goal the empower people, getting a better and more free life. It has been a similar project but at that time, it was commercially driven.
DVD : Mentis - The Evolution Of Being
The DVD 'Mentis - The Evolution Of Being' was the logical followup to the identically named book, published in January 2011. It is a 1to1 translation of the informations the book has to offer.
- ISBN-13 : 978-3942633024

Mentis - The Evolution Of Being
The book 'Mentis - Die Evolution des Sein' was published for german bookmarket in January 2011. It describes a way of development our conciousness through meditative states. Through relaxation and the therefor possible contact with the higher self it tries to establish an evolution into enlightening being. It concentrates itself on a rational, western philosophical way.
- ISBN-13 : 978-3942633017
Logos and images for download
For your coverage here are some images and the official Mentislogo for download.
(Please click right and than save as.)
- MentisSchriftzug.png
PNG-file from Mentis-lettering
- MentisSiegel_low.png
Original Mentis-badge, color orange, low resolution
- MentisSiegel_high.png
Gray Mentis-badge, high resolution
- BjoernMoeller.png
Image of Mentis-developer Bjoern Moeller
- MensClou.png
Art of the Mentis-lettering in front of a cloud of consciousness
- MentisBuchcover.jpg
Cover of the original Mentis book
- MentisMenue.bmp
Image of the menue of the Human 2.0 BluRay