Every human faces challenges throughout live, which often become problems!
We came here on earth without any handbook or manual. From birth on we dive into the world around us, beeing influenced all around, learning through observation and imitation. And we make errors, because we are not perfect. But, if we recognized them too late, it will lead to the wrong path.
Additionally we percieve us as individuals, resulting in a way of life depending on others costs. At the same time we struggle more and more staying in contact with nature. We don't percieve ourselfs as a part of nature, utilizing everything and everybody more and more, whenever we can. We experience borders only after we tresspassing them, after already getting pain from it.
We can't solve our problems with the mindset which has created them!
Through learning to know ourself better, we solve our problems and generate a better life in long term!
We should be looking for our handbook, the manual as soon as possible.
Ideally we have had the opportunity to observe knowing parents, who too observed our childhood's setting.
But even without that kind of parents, there is the possibility to explore ourselfs for every human, at any given time. The sooner the better. All needs time.
Because reality looks different:
We do not get the right knowledge in schools. There we learn to read, calculate and write. And some more unimportant skills, who are the foundation for getting these dogmas, that probably lead us into that awful trap. We do not learn, what is needed to live a happy, fullfilled life. We do not learn deep respect, gratitude and humility.
And then there are gurus, books, experiences and quaks, who constantly bribe us. All have a different agenda. How to find the right information?
All is not gold that glitters!
Only fundamental knowlegde leads to understanding, by which good and sustainable decisions can grow!
Assume, you are looking for advice, assistance, instruction or help.
Look for fundamental informations, not for turnkey-solutions! Information and adivice should be understandable for you, as easy as it could be and should be in the realm of your culture. Don't get under pressure, no one has the right to tell you what to do. Don't give up your freedom of thinking for yourself. Never rely on a single person, situation or proposed relation. Keep thinking!
Percieve only offers and not dictates.
Think over everything and decide with full awareness of your responsibility. You can not resign your responsibility to other people, laws, observation or situation.
There is no easy quickfix!

Should all be the same, or do you want something to chance?
In our society just a few begin spontaniously asking fundamental questions. The majority of humans need a so called pattern break, to start thinking about theses importatnt questions. Most times there has been a stroke of fate, illness or maybe a loss before. Questions like: Was that all, or is there something else, something greater? How could that be..? Why me..? What does that mean?
All that leads to a decision 'between the red and the blue pill'.
Do you like to keep you challenges and stay as you are or do you like to prosper?

Eliminate all negative influences from your setting.
The pattern break is not a random event. Something has to change inside or outside of yourself. But in the beginning you decisions are extremely fragile. You need to create space, to establish well thought change.

body : healt - tension - relaxation
Your healt is the foundation. A healthy mind needs a healthy body. Get your body into balance. Get informations about the fundamental topics around your body. This include food, sports, hormons also as tension and relaxiation. A relaxed body does not need that much attention, so you could concentrate on the next step.
!setting : constant influation - own intension
As long as you do not dissolve into the desert (most profets supposed to do that)or beeing stranded on a deserted island, the environment will affect you. Even if you don't like it, you could only protect yourself throught one stategy. Break with all negative influences and just listen to yourself. With time it will getting much easier throught the shortly starting process to know yourself better and it will be easier to hear your dimm inner voice. Over time you will get more and mor confidence in yourself. Even because of you momentarily, fragile state, which is caused by the setting you are in, you need to change someting. And will not please some part of your setting. So, inform/act for yourself and never be informed or acted on.
mind : brain - lower programming - higher programming - evolution
After you gathered informations about the 'hardware', your body, now it is time to get informations about the 'software'. Your brain physically controls your body, but your thoughts control your brain. Many people think that it is impossible to control their thoughts and emotions. They feel helpless, out of control. But that is not the truth. Collect informations about the thoughtprocesses working inside yourself and contemplate about them. Try to build a fundamental structure for your life. A lot of people have been lived before, learn from it. These fundamental informations help you start into a process of growth, which is slowly exchanging the information gathering. Your life is not that complicated as it often seems.

- body relaxation
You could start right now! Learn to relax your body. It is THE most important thing for all that is comming. It is the only way to concentrate your attention on the higher aspects of life. And it will also help you, getting your body into balance.
- mental relaxation
Next task is getting a relaxed mind. The more relaxed your mind is, the better and more focused your thoghts can be and the better you can hear your dimm inner voice, who absolutely knows what is good for you. You percieve all other parts of yourself, only if you will have a relaxed mind. That is the main cause, because it has been so tough, finding yourself.
- subconscious programming
Through quiet observation you can percieve and understand the effects of the discovered inner programming. Informations that are just accepted before, now transform into fundamental knowledge. A new world starts to emerge.
- believe systems
You slowly recognize, many believes are getting unimportant or are just wrong. Cut out these, who are interfere with or retain yourself. Create new one, supporting you, which are helping your development, just to convert them into personal knowing.
- contact with unconsciousness
The better you understand your SUBconsciousness ( the thing with you believe systems and programming), the more likely you percieve your UNconsciousness. You start understanding connections on a deep level. That complicated things suddenly are getting easy. Heureka, you got it... now it is getting really exciting...
Impact of mankind is visible everywhere. Politics, moral and religion did not succeed establishing a balance. Money and power reign the world making it through fear a breeding ground of fear. Everyone must conquer his fear, getting into balance. Planetary balance is possible only, if every single human starts looking for balance, within the small and the Great. That is the only way turning our planet to a better place for once and all.
I am part of a still growing,
century old movement,
which is rarely percieved.
We do not accept the current situation.
We do not orient oneself by the general puplic,
we do not follow gurus nor spin dictators.
We recognized, what politics and media are doing,
but we do not participate,
even more, we oppose.
Actually our motivation is opposite,
we focus on us, our ego and the metaframe.
We outgrow our ego, emancipate ourself,
living free and self-determined.
Everyday life wouldn’t get us down,
we will not be programmed by strangers,
because we do things simple and different.
Because we know - and think, because we must be smarter.
We break free from the chains of society’s stimuli-response-loops.
We don’t let anyone tell us,
what is possible, what is impossible,
what normal means and what it means not,
and worse, what we shall to be or what we shall do.
Because we think,
we want a better future, a better world,
fulfillment and meaning in life,
we want to be rolemodels, showing how the future could be.
Not for us, but for all humans,
in order that our children can grow into a life worth living future,
to be pleased about their life.
Many say it is impossible, unrealistic, exhausting at most,
but it isn’t, and more and more peole understand that - participate!
They realize, there is no other way.
It has never been so clear:
It could not go on this way, it is not 5 minutes before noon, it is 5 seconds.
There are more causes as ever before, not to be taken for fool,
thinking by your own hands, emancipating,
to understand, what matters in life, what counts:
Breaking free from herd instinct,
leaving the predefined frame,
thinking about information on our own, to link the pieces,
finally taking responsibility,
finding a personal way, and walking.
Therefor, we are highly motivated to learn, taking our life in our hands,
to straighten things out with ourself, to grow in confidence,
not beeing manipulated, not beeing enslaved,
learning to control our ego.
Beeing happy and satisfied,
balanced and living a healthy life,
instead of just reacting.
In sum, following our destiny, not regretting anything at the end.
We achieve that through thinking, connecting and understanding,
through analysing new things,
through special techniques and experiences,
we call it lovingly ‚MENTIEREN‘.
But I could not easily explain it,
but better show by sample stories.
However these examples can only convey a little impression,
about humans like me, who inspire, know themselfs better, know what feels good,
who have visions - and dreams - and a fulfilled life,
and don’t loose sight of a better world,
who find destiny, gain freedom and positively affect the world.
Yes, we are MENTISTS and these are our stories!
- You choose for yourself.
- You have your own thoughts.
- You mature into your world.
- You are less manipulated.
- Your options / freedom rises.
- You keep on learning.
- You use all possibilities.
- You grow each day.
- You see the truth.
- Your life gets easier (&) more interesting.
- You don't think about 'it'.
- You stay inactive.
- You don't need to think.
- You are externally controlled.
- You don't have options / freedom.
- You are trapped.
- Each day it is harder to break away.
- Your time / options decreases.
- You are dozy your whole life.
- Depressive awakening is becoming more likely.