All begining is hard, we know that!
There are more than enough shady coaches, gurus and institutions out there, that do more harm than good.
Therefor we decided to provide the fundamental tools and informations free for everyone. Noone should have the excuse, not to start. You don't have to invest in the Mentis-Model. No need for financial nor ideological investment.
These free, downloadable tools give you the oportunity to grow towards an enlightened, spiritual human, who is so much needed in our world. All in a rational, scientific context. Become a human, reflecting all of our affirmation, to live a good and fullfilled life.
Noone must be dependent from a guru, an ideology or serving an idol. Don't be fooled, utilized or enslaved. It all depends on yourself and your individual process.
But don't get overwhelmed, download only what you first need right now...
We make it as easy as possible for everyone to grow and creating a better world!
We're sorry, most material is still in german language right now. But we are working on it!
- Deep Free Meditation
A file from the Mensch 2.0 system. The download contains of one audiofile with special sound pattern, which help you develop a deep Meditation more easily. Please use headphones.
- Ambient Soundscape Makena Night
This soundfile was recorded april 2009 in Makena on Maui, Hawaii. In the background you can hear pacific waves gently rolling onto the beach, while you hear birds and crickets in the foreground. A good ambient soundscape for letting go.
- Björn Möller, Developer Mentis-Modell![]()
No one has to waste time, trying to get into different cultures. To be effective, you should start in your own...
I like to change something, when is the best moment?
NOW, if you have made a descission, what will stop you. Your imagination only becomes dimmer and tomorrow there is guaranteed something else…
Is Mentis like a sect?
Cults have a leader and have an ideology. The Mentis-Model is simply a collection of recent, scientific informations. In addition it helps to combine the know how into a process of experience. You are in the center, nothing else. You don’t have to understand exotic cultures, you don’t have to trust anyone. There is no guru nor egocentric guidelines.
There are so many coaches, what is better with the Mentis-Modell?
Most coaches work on specific problems. Often theses probleme are one out of many, established over time. The cause often hides deeper. That way one problem after another is fixed, which is fine with the coaches or the therapists. That’s how they earn money. The Mentis-model is different, you just get fundamental information. From that effective behavior and understanding arises.
Is it possible to learn more of the Mentis-Modell as a coach?
YES, there is an educational program in planning, which ends with an official certificate. If you are interested just drop us a message through our contact page.
Are these downloads really free?
Yes, these downloads are absolutely free. You even don’t need an email.We like to reach as many people as we can and the start in personal development should be as easy as it could be. Be we too must eat and therefor earn some money. We offer some special products within our shop and we have some merch like t-shirts and so on. In addition we depend on donations for some special projects.
Some exercises make me dizzy, is it normal?
Could happen. Some titels are made to alter your consciousness. That is why you must not listen to them while driving or operating machines. If you are not sure, stop and try again at a different time.
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